Transfer liked songs, favourite playlists & albums
Qobuz to YouTube

Convert liked songs, favourite playlists & albums from Qobuz to YouTube. Easily transfer your Qobuz playlists to YouTube playlists with FreeYourMusic.

Trusted by Tech Industry Experts
What is Qobuz?

Qobuz is a music streaming service focused on high-fidelity and lossless audio quality. Explore an expertly curated library of 100 million tracks and discover new music with expert recommendations.

What is YouTube?

YouTube isn't strictly a music streaming service but offers a vast library of music videos and songs you can’t find anywhere else. You can create playlists, listen for free, and enjoy recommended content based on your preferences.

What is FreeYourMusic?

FreeYourMusic is the coolest playlist moving and management tool on the market. It is an effortless way to transfer music, including albums, playlists, and songs, from one music streaming service to another.

Powerful Playlist Management Tools

15-minute auto-synchronization of your playlists and albums.
Dedicated Support
Expert dedicated tech & issues support.
Cloud Backup
Playlist security with cloud storage.
Cancel anytime
Cancel premium and keep Basic features - forever.
One button fix for missing or incorrect songs.
Song order
Your playlist as you intended
Unlimited Transfers
Transfer unlimited number of songs and playlists and albums.
All platforms
iOS, Android, Windows, MacOS & Linux
Multi-account support
One license, multiple accounts.


Join millions moving their playlists with FreeYourMusic
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23,200 Ratings

On iOS and Android


Across all platforms

Music Streaming News and Music Streaming Tips

Playlist management tips, music streaming industry news and how to get the best from your music subscription. FreeYourMusic - Your Music, Made Better.

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