There are other music converters but none of them is as privacy-focused as FreeYourMusic.
TuneMyMusic is a web app, which means any transfer activity is taking place on their servers. With FreeYourMusic, everything happens on the user device. This ensures that we move your data in the most secure manner.
In our app, anytime you log into an external music service, you enter your login and password on the external partner site. We don’t see and don’t store any sensitive data. We only store a cookie that we get from the external website. Thanks to this, we can act in your name without ever seeing your passwords. We never share this data, and we only use it in the app to be able to create playlists and add songs to your services.
FreeYourMusic uses special algorithms to always find the best match between music services.
There are other music converters but none of them is as privacy-focused as FreeYourMusic.
We spent a lot of time tweaking our algorithm, adjusting different parameters for different music services to get you the best results. Some services have bad search engines and return garbage, others have great searches that match songs much better. That is why the matching quality can vary depending on the music services you are migrating to
FreeYourMusic supports all the most popular music platforms, including Spotify, Apple Music and more.
FreeYourMusic works in a very simple and easy way. First, click on the music service you want to transfer your playlists from and log into it. Then, select the music platform you want to transfer to and connect your account. Third, pick the playlists you want to move. Confirm the action and your job is done. Let the app transfer all your music collection from one service to another.
FreeYourMusic is great in other ways too:
If you want a copy of your music data, you can back it up to a file that can be later imported to any music service.
Background running process
Got a big playlist? Use the desktop app (MacOS, Windows, Linux. It runs in the background, so you don’t need to have it open to complete the transferring process.
Auto-sync your playlists
Having two music services or more? You will love the auto-sync feature. Any changes you make in your playlist will be automatically synchronized across music streaming platforms.
Personal music statistics
With FreeYourMusic, you can see your personal music stats all-year round. No need to wait For Spotify Wrapped or Apple Music Replay. See your most-played songs, artists, and albums.
FreeYourMusic is an actively developed project. To keep going and to build a better product, we charge for app licenses. It helps us cover expenses related to design, development, and customer support.
FreeYourMusic is the only transfer tool that offers native apps for all platforms: iOS, Android, Windows, MacOS and Linux. Most transfer tools offer web applications, which are cheaper to develop, but can compromise data privacy. With FreeYourMusic, all your data is stored locally on your device. Our users’ data is protected as everything happens on the client side and not on the servers, as in the case of TuneMyMusic.
Some companies offer free or cheap services because they earn by collecting personal information from users. FreeYourMusic has no part in that business model. We don’t collect any data to share or sell it to third-parties.
FreeYourMusic is a premium service, but we offer a free trial and 3 different pricing plans.
Do you want to switch music services? Give FreeYourMusic a chance. Download the app and transfer 1 playlist of up to 600 songs for free. There’s no obligation to purchase a premium license until you’ve tested FreeYourMusic and figured it works.
There are many reasons why FreeYourMusic is a great TuneMyMusic alternative. If we haven’t convinced you so far, take a look at what others have to say about our tool. We have been positively reviewed in major media publications and over 2M+ music lovers trusted FreeYourMusic to transfer their playlists.
Users’ experience and feedback are invaluable to us –
check insights about the app, shared by music enthusiasts.