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How To Unblock SoundCloud?

April 19, 2024

SoundCloud is the place to go for new, undiscovered, and underground artists - but like most of the most popular streaming services, it isn’t without issues from time to time. Before we get into troubleshooting issues in more detail, here are a couple of the problems that users face with SoundCloud.

  • Unable to play tracks at all or in part
  • Account blocked for liking and commenting on posts
  • Location restrictions
  • Unable to follow other users

Understanding SoundCloud user guidelines

One of the most common issues that users face is that their account gets blocked, and they lose access completely.


When your account gets blocked, it is mostly because the user got too excited when they liked, commented, and followed. When you do these too fast or too often, you will trigger the automatic block that is designed to prevent bots.

The community guidelines are pretty tight, and if you are found to be breaching these, it will result in your account being blocked completely. Since SoundCloud is heavily community-based, there are some standard things that they expect. Constructive criticism is a big one, and they have a solid zero-tolerance approach to any type of written abuse.

Anything that would fall under hate speech, terrorist content, or suicidal encouragement (although open mental health and awareness is accepted). Pornographic content, anything that could be deemed exploitative for a child, impersonation, harassment (both from the community to artists and artists harassing people to listen to their music via streams of DMs), and anything that breaches copyright rules.

Is it worth unblocking SoundCloud?

There is a huge temptation just to find a SoundCloud alternative when something happens to your account. Who needs the hassle of trying to unblock an account? Well, SoundCloud has a lot of positive points when it comes to the music industry and music streaming.

  • A huge selection of unsigned music you won’t find anywhere else.
  • SoundCloud has licensing deals with huge record labels, so you’ll find big acts there, too.
  • Their new music discovery is quick and efficient.
  • Reasonably priced subscriptions for acts and listeners.
  • One of the fastest music-sharing options
  • The community is huge, and the platform is community-focused
  • They offer robust artist promotional tools

SoundCloud has created a space in the music streaming industry that sets it apart from almost all of the others, and the community focus is unrivaled.

But there are a couple of issues for users from time to time, so let’s get into unblocking SoundCloud.

What do you do if you get a message saying your SoundCloud account has been blocked?

The first thing to do is be spam aware, check the email address that the email came from, look for markers of authenticity, and if in doubt, don’t click any links in the email.

There will usually be some information in the email that can tell you why you have been banned and how long it has been. For example, when you like posts too fast, you might get a 5-day liking ban but still have access to your account.

Head to the website or app as you normally would and attempt to log in. You might be able to log in normally but notice that the like feature is blocked to you. You are free to file a ticket with SoundCloud and ask for the restriction to be lifted, and in many cases, they will lift it.

In some cases, you might see the notification “Our robots think you’re a robot” or “Our robots think you’re spam.” This means that you have triggered SoundCloud automatic robot and spammer detection. Here are some actions you can take if that is the case for you:

  • Try to log in using a different device
  • Switch from WiFi to mobile data, or switch to an internet connection if possible
  • Refresh the page
  • Use a different browser
  • Check your ad-blocker privacy extension, or switch your VPN off temporarily (or switch location)

Most often, this will enable you to log in as normal.

The same goes for trying to sign up; try everything above, and if nothing works, try a new email address.

How to unblock SoundCloud using a VPN


A couple of countries have banned SoundCloud for a range of reasons. India has banned SoundCloud and deemed it unethical, while Kyrgyzstan, China, and Turkey have blocked access to it due to some of the content on there.

You might also be facing restrictions at the office or at schools - this is typically because there is a fear of breaking copyright laws (or the consensus that music sites aren't conducive to getting work done).

You can be denied access when you connect to a website because of your IP address. Your IP address is linked to your location (where you are connecting from). This means the most efficient way to unblock SoundCloud regional restrictions is by using a VPN and changing your digital location.

Tip: People outside of the USA who want to use Pandora will need to use a VPN to access it, too - if you’ve ever wanted to check it out but the restrictions are stopping you, that is how you can access that platform.

What is a VPN? VPN stands for Virtual Private Network, and it conceals your data and changes your IP address. Using a VPN, you can select which country you would like your IP to come from - and it can be anywhere in the world.

A VPN can also be used to access songs that are restricted in certain countries due to licensing.

How can you choose the right VPN to unblock SoundCloud?

While many VPNs have similar features, a couple in particular make them a good idea for those who want to access SoundCloud.

  • Thousands of servers
  • Fast connection
  • Extra security features
  • Multiple device options
  • Simultaneous connections
  • Reasonably priced monthly cost

If you are considering using a free VPN, unless it is a free trial from a reputable VPN service, then it is better to avoid this. Free VPN services offer limited protection, and limited servers may slow down your connection - not to mention that they may sell your data to make money or contain malware. Not to mention intrusive ads and a lack of customer support.

Paying for a VPN service is the safest way to unblock SoundCloud access.

Here are some of the most reputable VPNs for your music-listening needs:

NordVPN has a range of pricing options, including monthly, yearly, or a 2-year plan. The 2-year plan is the cheapest at $3.39 monthly payment, but the most robust and cheapest plan comes from their Ultimate 2-year plan. Which is $6.36 a month for 2 years, and includes:

  • Data breach scanner
  • Cross-platform password manager
  • High-speed
  • Malware protections
  • Tracker and Blocker
  • Identity theft recovery benefits up to $1M
  • Cyber extortion protection benefits up to $100K

You can also get this on a monthly rolling plan for $15.99 or a yearly plan for $7.99.

Express VPN has a 30-day risk-free trial and a range of pricing and services. They offer 1 month at $12.95, a 6-month plan for $9.99, and 12 months for $8.32.

Here are some of the features for Express VPN to unblock SoundCloud:

  • Servers in 105 Countries
  • High-speed connection
  • 24-hour chat support
  • Works across all platforms
  • Connect on up to 8 devices
  • Split tunneling (some traffic can go through the VPN while others don’t - at your discretion)
  • Router software

Surfshark VPN has a huge 3200 servers in 100 countries and focuses on unblocking streaming sites, including SoundCloud. Surfshark has one of the lowest VPN price points on the 2-year plan and a range of features - so for the price-conscious, this makes a great option for unblocking SoundCloud. The monthly starter price is $10.99, but if you take a 2-year plan, that drops down significantly to just $1.99. This is huge saving when you take into consideration that they also offer up to 4 months free.

Here are some of the features that make Surfshark VPN a great option:

  • Antivirus protection
  • Webcam protection
  • Real-time alerts for breaches, credit card and ID breaches
  • Masked email generator
  • Database removal from people search and companies
  • Ad blocker
  • Cookie pop-up blocking
  • Private search engine function

There are other VPNs on the market that offer a wide range of features, but when looking for the one that meets your needs, it is always a good idea to use a trial and ensure that it works for the purpose of unblocking SoundCloud. Check other proposition for VPN with unlimited data.

How to use a VPN correctly and responsibly

Many people use their VPN because it is a more secure way to use the internet. With an increase in people working remotely, it is important to protect any information sent or received.

And while music streaming services and TV streaming services have all become more popular, so have the use of VPNs. Many streaming services are putting things in place to prevent the usage of VPNs to access their services - so that is a consideration when you are using something to bypass any barriers that music streaming services have in place.

In short, though, VPNs offer a level of protection but are not designed for users to do anything that would be illegal - and whatever platform you use should be ethical.

Be aware of the usage terms of the platforms you use.

How to make the most of your SoundCloud when it is unblocked

SoundCloud has features that you won’t find on other streaming services - so here are some tips to make the most of it:

As an artist:

  • Make sure that you are tagging your songs so it is more discoverable
  • Take care to build your discography there, and make sure everything is labeled well (album, EP, remix, singles, and so on).
  • Buys pay bills, so make sure that you have a buy button - you never know when people will make a purchase, but if you don’t give them the option, you’ll never know
  • Keep titles simple; use a format like Your Name - Song Title
  • Use cool art to get noticed
  • Interact on your waveform, talk to the people listening

Tip: As an artist, sharing and visibility are a must. Smart Links has a huge range of tools that can help you reach the right audience.

As a listener:

  • Use the like button, but not too much, as that can get your SoundCloud blocked
  • Comment on waveforms
  • Build and share playlists
  • Check out new music and playlists made by others
  • The free trending section is a hub of great new music
  • Consider upgrading to SoundCloud Go or Go+ for a bigger catalog, no ads, and unlimited saves

What makes SoundCloud so popular with users?
There is a lot to love about SoundCloud, but it is what users say that really matters, and here is what the internet has to say about what makes it a great platform for listeners and artists.



For lovers of obscure, underground, and the undiscovered, few places offer the opportunity to find something new. While Deezer has great new music discovery as a feature, it lacks what SoundCloud has in terms of the unheard.

And while other music streaming platforms and SoundCloud look and feel wildly different, you can move from whatever platform you are on to SoundCloud in a few taps. Free Your Music can shift your songs from another platform to SoundCloud - and the first hundred are free - handy!

What do you think about SoundCloud and other platforms as an artist or a listener? Would you recommend it or not - and why? Let us know in the comments.

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