Best Podcasts on Spotify for Autumn Evenings

October 26, 2023

If you've ever seen people laughing to themselves with earbuds in, it's probably not just a funny thought. Chances are, they’re tuning into a podcast on Spotify. These audio shows have turned into everyone’s new best friend. In the past few years, they've gone from “pod-what-now?” to “OMG, did you hear that latest episode?”.

Everyone and their grandma seem to be listening these days. Whether they’re out for a stroll, making dinner, or curled up with a warm drink on a cool fall evening, podcasts are the background noise of choice. With all these shows popping up like popcorn, how do you know which ones are must-listens?

Don't sweat it! We’ve got a list of the best podcasts for those cozy fall vibes. And hey, if you've ever daydreamed about chatting into a microphone and having the world hear you out, you may get some ideas from the podcasts on our list. So, stick around, and let's have some audio fun!

1. "The Daily" - The New York Times


Do you want to balance your morning brew with a dose of news? With "The Daily," you can mix current events with your coffee ritual. The New York Times ensures you get a generous splash of global chatter in just twenty minutes. It's perfect for appearing extra knowledgeable at dinner, even if it's just you, pizza, and Mr. Whiskers tonight. Listen, sip, and nod sagely as Michael Barbaro and Sabrina Tavernise explain the world. You might even impress yourself.

2. "Stuff You Should Know" - Josh and Chuck


Forget encyclopedias; Josh and Chuck have got your back. These two serve knowledge with a generous side of chuckles. From bubblegum origins to Zebra's fashion choices (stripes are SO in), they’re your go-to for fun facts. But a heads-up: excessive listening might make you that "random fact" person at brunch. Prepare for eye rolls and surprised giggles in equal measure.

3. "Lore" - Aaron Mahnke


Cold evenings deserve goosebump-inducing tales. And "Lore" is where history gets spooky. As Aaron unwinds true eerie tales, you might reconsider that house with the "quirky" past. Best listened to with lights on, unless you fancy checking under the bed tonight. Historical scares? Now that's edutainment.

4. "Serial" - Sarah Koenig


"Serial" is the detective novel of podcasts. Sarah takes you down the winding paths of real-life mysteries. Each episode has more twists than a pretzel factory. Listen to tales so gripping you'll start suspecting your potted plant might have secrets. Who knew reality could outdo fiction this well? But remember, it's all fun and games until you can't stop acting like a detective.

5. "How I Built This" - Guy Raz


Are you curious about the brains behind big brands? Join Guy Raz for a rollercoaster ride through the startup world. Hear tales of glorious rises and epic faceplants. Perfect for aspiring moguls or those who enjoy a good "from-zero-to-hero" tale. After a few episodes, even that DIY shelf that fell apart will seem like the first step to genius.

6. "TED Radio Hour" - TED


When your brain's itching for a workout but your body just wants to chill on the sofa, "TED Radio Hour" is the go-to. Ever wondered about the future of work? Or why we dream? This show explores astonishing ideas and wild innovations. The best part is that no gym shoes are required. Each episode is like a delicious mental snack handpicked for those craving a fusion of fun and smarts. You can listen for a blend of chuckles, "aha!" moments, and stories that’ll stick with you longer than that cookie crumb on your sweater.

7. "No Such Thing As A Fish"


Let's be real; some trivia is as dry as week-old toast. But not here! The whizzes behind QI present the quirkiest, eyebrow-raising facts every week. Think of them as the detectives of the trivia world, unearthing the juiciest tidbits. So, if you've ever wanted to impress at dinners or just need a fun fact to break an awkward silence, they've got your back. Get ready to chuckle, gasp, and store up info that’ll make you the coolest guest at any party (virtual or otherwise).

8. "The Joe Rogan Experience" - Joe Rogan


Ever wondered what happens when you mix a comedian, top-tier guests, and conversations as long as your last Zoom meeting? You get "The Joe Rogan Experience." Whether he's chatting with Elon Musk about rocket ships or discussing the perfect kick with a martial artist, there's always a dash of humor. It’s a cocktail of hot takes, wild tangents, and the occasional “Did he really just say that?” Perfect for those long autumn drives or just avoiding the washing up.

9. "Criminal" - Phoebe Judge


Ah, crime. It's not always about masked bandits or swanky heist films. Sometimes, it's just peculiar tales of folks landing in pickles. And "Criminal" serves up these tales with a side of charm and wit. Phoebe Judge guides you through the maze of the human psyche, all while making you question your own moral compass. It's an audio roller-coaster where the loops are just plot twists!

10. "Science Vs" - Wendy Zukerman


In a world of wild health claims and even wilder diet fads, Wendy is here to separate the chaff from the wheat. Every episode of "Science Vs" is like a fun debate where fads meet facts in an epic showdown. Wendy tackles everything, from the world's latest wellness crazes to age-old debates. Who emerges victorious? Well, let’s just say facts have a solid track record. Perfect for anyone who loves learning and enjoys a good chuckle at myths biting the dust.

11. "My Favorite Murder" - Karen Kilgariff & Georgia Hardstark


Murder and comedy? Sounds like mixing oil and water, right? Wrong. Karen and Georgia have concocted an oddly delightful potion where they discuss their favorite murder stories with a comedic twist. It's the perfect blend for those who love a good whodunit but also need a good chuckle. Just imagine discussing a heinous crime over tea and biscuits, sprinkling in puns. You’ll be left pondering, "Should I be laughing or cringing right now?"

12. "The Happiness Lab" - Dr. Laurie Santos


Are you ready to unlock the secret recipe for joy? No, it isn’t hidden in your next Amazon package. Dr. Laurie Santos takes you on a bubbly, brainy trip to explore happiness. With science-backed info and tales that will tug at your heartstrings, she's the tour guide of your feel-good journey. And let's be honest, who doesn't need a happiness boost these days? Especially when it’s served with fun facts and quirky anecdotes.

13. "Sleepy" - Otis Gray


Can't sleep? Otis Gray has got a cure better than counting sheep: classic books read in a voice so soothing, it could make a caffeinated squirrel doze off. It’s the audio equivalent of a warm blanket on a cold night, mixed with the charm of your grandpa reciting tales. The only risk? You might drift off before finding out how the story ends. Who knew bedtime stories weren’t just for kids?

14. "Freakonomics Radio" - Stephen J. Dubner


What do sumo wrestlers and school teachers have in common? No, it’s not the start of a joke. "Freakonomics Radio" dives into such wacky comparisons to unveil the hidden side of, well, everything! Stephen makes you question things you've always taken for granted, sparking curiosity and chuckles in equal measure. It's like peeking behind the curtain of everyday life with a magnifying glass and a funny hat.

15. "Ear Hustle"


For a raw, real glimpse into life behind bars, without actually getting locked up, cue up "Ear Hustle." It’s heartwarming, heartbreaking, and eye-opening all rolled into one. Crafted and conveyed by the insiders, it makes you feel like you're having a candid chat over the prison's dinner table. And trust us, these tales are so gripping they might just be your new guilty pleasure.

16. "The Moth"


"The Moth" is basically storytelling's answer to reality TV — no scripts, all emotions. Imagine standing on stage, spotlight on, and baring your soul to strangers. Sometimes it's tear-jerking, other times it's laugh-out-loud funny, but it’s always real. Imagine a grandma sharing her secret salsa recipe that led to an international incident or a postman recounting his feud with a feisty parrot. Stories so raw you could eat them with a side of guacamole.

17. "Modern Love" - The New York Times


Swipe right on your Spotify app for "Modern Love." These aren’t your grandma’s love stories unless she’s telling them, of course. This podcast tells tales of romance, missed connections, and everything in between. From the passionate to the problematic, it’s more rollercoaster than a candlelit dinner. Ever wondered if that missed train could’ve led to true love or how a pet turtle tested a relationship? Here's where you'll find out.

18. "Radiolab" - Jad Abumrad & Robert Krulwich


Science nerds and philosophy buffs, unite! "Radiolab" is here to stir your brain, tickle your funny bone, and poke at your heartstrings. Imagine mixing a dash of Bill Nye, a splash of Socrates, and a sprinkle of stand-up comedy in a podcast blender. Want to know how slugs dream or if trees hold grudges? Curiosity didn't just kill the cat; it made it laugh and think on "Radiolab."

19. "The Office Ladies" - Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey


Ever binge-watched "The Office" and thought, “I wish I had someone to chat about this with!”? Well, meet Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey, aka your new TV buddies. They don’t just chat about the show; they lived it! Hear about the pranks, the bloopers, and the time someone accidentally ordered 500 pizzas to set. It's your favorite sitcom dissected by the pros themselves, with a side of insider giggles.

20. "The Mind Palace"


If you've ever wondered if meditation could be mixed with humor or if laughter really is the best medicine, "The Mind Palace" serves up wisdom with a side of wit. Here, you can explore the world of wellness without the jargon. Think of it as yoga for your brain, minus the awkward poses. With chats ranging from the power of positive laughter to the neuroscience behind dad jokes, it’s mindfulness meets mirth.


After rolling through twenty podcast gems perfect for those cool fall evenings, you might be thinking you've hit the podcast jackpot. And you're not wrong! But what if you stumble upon a podcast that sounds perfect, only to realize it's in a language you're not best buds with?

Imagine missing out on a hilarious Italian anecdote or a swoon-worthy French love story! But guess what? Spotify's got your back. They're trialing some cool tech – an AI voice translation tool. This means soon, language barriers in podcasts could be as old-school as, well, tapes and CDs!

Intrigued by this magic? Get more insights into the techy details in our other blog post: Spotify's AI Voice Translation Pilot.

So, as you get cozy with your blanket, your hot cocoa, and our top podcast picks, remember: the world of podcasts is vast, and thanks to innovations like these, it's becoming even more accessible. Cheers to borderless binge listening! And who knows? Maybe next time, you'll be laughing in five different languages from the comfort of your couch. Happy listening!

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